Boujiefilm Gang was a term coined by my cousin, Ken Raymundo when he was still actively taking photos. I figured I’d revive it, as it really is catchy!

While many people don’t appreciate the APS-C sensor of most Fujifilm cameras, I am one of those who has seen his career move forward with Fuji’s amazing capabilities. The images of Fujifilm cameras, coupled with the styling of the bodies just makes sense.

I firmly believe that these cameras have their place in the photography world despite not having a full-frame sensor, which is why I started the Boujiefilm Gang movement.

If you’d like to join me, feel free to contact me on my Instagram!

The movement is all about enjoying shooting. It’s dedicated to getting over the fear of posting your works, and managing burnouts. I believe that photographs are meant to be shared if you think they’re beautiful, without much thought of others’ inputs. After all, Fujifilm makes user-friendly cameras for a reason!